Learn how you can enable a custom integration.
Captures all Console API calls via `captureException` or `captureMessage`.
Capture console logs as breadcrumbs. (default)
Capture context about the environment and the device that the client is running on, and add it to events. (default)
Adds source code from inline JavaScript of the current page's HTML.
Allows you to inspect the contents of a processed event and hint object that gets passed to beforeSend or beforeSendTransaction.
Deduplicate certain events to avoid receiving duplicate errors. (default)
Extracts all non-native attributes from the error object and attaches them to the event as extra data.
Allows the SDK to provide original functions and method names, even when those functions or methods are wrapped by our error or breadcrumb handlers. (default)
Capture spans & breadcrumbs for http requests. (default)
Allows you to ignore specific errors based on the type, message, or URLs in a given exception. (default)
Allows you to configure linked errors. (default)
Add local variables to exception frames. (default)
Add node modules / packages to the event. (default)
Capture spans & breadcrumbs for node fetch requests. (default)
Registers handlers to capture global uncaught exceptions. (default)
Registers handlers to capture global unhandled promise rejections. (default)
Adds data about an incoming request to an event. (default)
Allows you to apply a transformation to each frame of the stack trace.
Adds session timing data to events.